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Cisco - Router/Switch - Health Check Commands

Detailed list of Cisco Router/Switch health check commands that can be used for baseline comparison (pre & post check) while performing major change/activity on a Cisco Router or Switch. These commands provides comprehensive output & can be used for general health check too.

show version
System hardware and software status
show bootvar
Boot and related environment variable
show inventory
Show the physical inventory
show module
show linecard module information
show environment
environmental status display commands
show power status all
Switch Power
show redundancy
Redundancy Facility (RF) information
show running-config
Current operating configuration
show startup-config
Contents of startup configuration
show cdp neighbors
CDP neighbor entries
show ip interface brief
Interface - Brief summary of IP status and configuration
show interface status
Show interface line status
show interface trunk
Show interface trunk information
show interface | in error
Interface errors
show interface | in drop
Interface drops
show mac-address-table
MAC forwarding table
show ip arp
IP ARP table
show vlan
VTP VLAN status
show vtp status
VTP domain status
show standby brief
Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) information - Brief output
show ip vrf
VPN Routing/Forwarding instance information
show ip route summary
IP routing table summary
show ip protocols
IP routing protocol process parameters and statistics
show ip ospf neighbor
OSPF Neighbor list
show ip bgp neighbor
BGP Neighbor list
show ip eigrp neighbor
EIGRP Neighbor list
show ip rip database
IP RIP database
sh ip route
IP routing table
show spanning-tree summary
Spanning tree - Summary of port states
show spanning-tree brief
Spanning tree - Brief
show spanning-tree detail
Spanning tree - Detailed information
show logging
Show the contents of logging buffers
show ntp status
NTP status
show snmp
snmp statistics
show ip flow export
NetFlow switching - Display export statistics
show ip cache flow
IP fast-switching route cache - flow cache entries
show ip igmp membership
IGMP membership information for forwarding
show ip igmp  groups
IGMP group membership information
show ip igmp  interface
IGMP interface information
show ip mroute summary
IP multicast routing table - Provide abbreviated display
show ip sla
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
show proc cpu history
Show CPU use per process - Show CPU history in graph format
show memory
Memory statistics

Cisco - Router/Switch - Health Check Commands Cisco - Router/Switch - Health Check Commands Reviewed by Admin on 12:51:00 Rating: 5