"fw ctl pstat" command helps to view and analyze firewall statistics - System Capacity Summary, Hash kernel memory (hmem) statistics, System kernel memory (smem) statistics, Kernel memory (kmem) statistics, Cookies, Connections, Fragments, NAT and Sync.
fw ctl pstat
CheckPoint-Firewall-1> fw ctl pstat
System Capacity Summary:
Memory used: 10% (906 MB out of 8995 MB) - below watermark
Concurrent Connections: 14711 (Unlimited)
Aggressive Aging is not active
Hash kernel memory (hmem) statistics:
Total memory allocated: 939524096 bytes in 229376 (4096 bytes) blocks using 1 pool
Total memory bytes used: 110964304 unused: 828559792 (88.19%) peak: 275797876
Total memory blocks used: 29754 unused: 199622 (87%) peak: 69041
Allocations: 2973292326 alloc, 0 failed alloc, 2972371604 free
System kernel memory (smem) statistics:
Total memory bytes used: 1562014700 peak: 1637268168
Total memory bytes wasted: 19268533
Blocking memory bytes used: 9323456 peak: 10206048
Non-Blocking memory bytes used: 1552691244 peak: 1627062120
Allocations: 3531743 alloc, 0 failed alloc, 3522718 free, 0 failed free
vmalloc bytes used: 1535613668 expensive: no
Kernel memory (kmem) statistics:
Total memory bytes used: 730416708 peak: 903400200
Allocations: 2976731264 alloc, 0 failed alloc
2975804540 free, 0 failed free
External Allocations: 0 for packets, 87249934 for SXL
616785959 total, 0 alloc, 0 free,
159 dup, 1858687205 get, 970255 put,
620791859 len, 666 cached len, 0 chain alloc,
0 chain free
1104181 total, 136685 TCP, 967119 UDP, 94 ICMP,
283 other, 0 anticipated, 0 recovered, 14711 concurrent,
24758 peak concurrent
2268 fragments, 1068 packets, 0 expired, 0 short,
0 large, 0 duplicates, 0 failures
36620/0 forw, 1/0 bckw, 1 tcpudp,
0 icmp, 9407-22585774 alloc
Version: new
Status: Able to Send/Receive sync packets
Sync packets sent:
total : 23536733, retransmitted : 7941, retrans reqs : 4806, acks : 10007
Sync packets received:
total : -461197207, were queued : 13052, dropped by net : 8667
retrans reqs : 3578, received 64567 acks
retrans reqs for illegal seq : 0
dropped updates as a result of sync overload: 3044
Check Point - View/Analyze Firewall Statistics - CLI
Reviewed by Admin